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Park Street Veterinary Hospital 01482 223688

New Puppy?

A Puppy Friendly Practice is the place to be!

Providing an exceptional level of service and care and ongoing support for you and your puppy.

What Puppy Friendly means to YOU as a Puppy Owner

We pride ourselves in always striving to give the most positive experience to your puppy in practice so they come back happy time and time again. A positive experience when they are young sets them up well for all future visits to the vets.


Our combination of the Puppy Chat, positive socialisation visits, resources and free online training ensures you receive the very best support delivered in a variety of ways.


Positive training that is easy to implement and family friendly and really works, to give real results.


We provide you with all the knowledge you need to settle your puppy into your home with huge success. Not only giving your puppy the best start in life but helping them on the way to becoming a confident and well-mannered family dog.

The 4 Main Benefits

  • A FREE 30 minute puppy chat for all our puppy owners.


    Covering ALL the basics to settle in your puppy, including:


    • crate training
    • toilet training
    • socialisation
    • mouthing
    • play biting
    • child safety


    Make sure you have booked yours at your branch today!


    Contact Your Practice HERE



  • No need to worry about trips to the vets.


    All of our staff are trained to deliver a welcoming, puppy friendly service.


    The team will ensure your puppy has the most positive experience in practice and that you leave with everything you need for an amazing start with your puppy.



  • All training is family friendly and focused on child safety.




    Everyone can be part of this exciting adventure with your new puppy. If you have young children, look out for our children's story book Welcome Home Puppy available to buy in all our branches.



  • You receive £85 worth of free online training and a puppy owner handbook.


    Helping you settle in your new puppy with huge success so they will grow to be calm, relaxed, well-mannered and confident.


    *Check your welcome email for the link to access your free online training or ask at your branch for the puppy owner registration link.





  • Adaptil
  • Kong
  • Puppy Pack
  • Happy Hounds for Life
  • Puppy Training Classes


The Puppy Friendly Practice scheme is supported by Adaptil Junior

You will notice Adaptil Calm Diffusers plugged in around our practices which release calming pheromones to help your puppy feel reassured, calm and relaxed throughout the duration of your visit to the vets.

The Adaptil Junior Collar is an amazing way to help settle your puppy into the home. It helps them to learn and adapt to their new surroundings. One collar lasts for 30 days and your puppy wears it all the time so they can feel calm wherever they go.

Because you are part of a Puppy Friendly Practice, you can buy one collar in your veterinary practice and receive another completely FREE.


Ask at your branch how to claim yours.


Kong provide a huge range of durable dog toys and food dispensing toys that are made to last. These wonderful enrichment toys are a really great way to help with crate and toilet training your puppy, encouraging time alone and helps prevent many undesirable behaviours in the home.

You will see some of these in action during Puppy Chats and socialisation visits to your practice. All of our branches are well stocked with a great variety of Kong products.

REMEMBER: Being a PHC member you also get a discount in our shop so get stocked up at your next visit!

Puppy Pack

Did you know you can buy everything you need to settle in your new puppy as a complete Puppy Pack in all of our branches. Every item is handpicked and bespoke to the size and breed of your puppy.

Your free online training, walks you through how to use all the items in the pack, so you are guaranteed to have huge success and a puppy that is calm, settled, toileting outside and confident in the first weeks with you.


Happy Hounds for Life

All the online training is carried out by Happy Hounds for Life the developers of the Puppy Friendly Practice scheme.

Designed to give you as a puppy owner everything you need from day one, to settle in your new puppy with huge success. Helping you raise a calm, confident, sociable and well-mannered family dog.

You also receive a huge 60% discount off further online training with Happy Hounds for Life, so you can learn about really important things like a bomb-proof recall, relaxed walks, basic commands training. More details within your online courses!

Puppy Training Classes

There are no “in-person” puppy training classes running at the moment. Check back here for further updates.

All of our team are always happy to help, so if you have any questions, please ask at your local branch.

We look forward to welcoming you and your puppy very soon.